Don't be misled and agonise over your choice. It is your holiday. Simply book now the ORIGINAL and the BEST Bombing of Darwin WWII Tour. See our reviews on TripAdvisor.
Bombing of Darwin City Sights Tour
8.30am - 12.30pm
Adults: $140
Concession: $130
Children (5-15): $65
Entry Fee to the museum
Tour includes
Visible evidence of the attack
Untold Stories
Original Photos
Fully airconditioned comfortable transport
CBD Hotel Pickup
Entry Fee to Museum
Light snacks
Cold drinking water
BONUS see Darwin's beautiful sights at the same time
Please bring: Comfortable walking shoes, Hat, Camera, an Open mind

CUSTOMER REVIEW (one of many)
G'day Garry the Legend,
Just a quick note to say thanks for making our stay in Darwin quite memorable, Nicky and I have been sharing with everyone what a top day we had with you.
Pat and Angela went on the tour after us and there telling everyone as well.
How the local uni hasn't snapped you up to teach on the subject has me buggered.
Anyway have a great wet season and we hope to see you again in the dry.
Cheers from
The Sgt Major and Missus.
Dr. Peter.H.Broxham, PhD
Garry's ORIGINAL Bombing Of Darwin
World War II Heritage Tour
DARWIN was devastated and AUSTRALIA seriously threatened by the JAPANESE BOMBINGS in WWII.
Why did the Curtin Government deliberately manipulate the truth?
Why was there a cover up by successive Governments for decades after?
What REALLY did happen?
Find out the answers to these fascinating questions, plus much more in this unique personalised tour.

See different aspects of Darwin Harbour
To all my loyal and future customers
my book has FINALLY ARRIVED!

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